Friday, February 8, 2013

Merlot-n-Citrus Fruits by melinda shears

Merlot Infused In Citrus

Take 1-bottle dark red wine - Merlot
Pour in non-metal pot
Add 3-thinly slices of fresh lemons, oranges, lime
Add 3-whole cloves
Add 1-stick cinnamon
Simmer gently on very low heat

Drink warm or store in refrigerator.
Can add cold wine to lemonade or hot tea

Low heat allows alcohol to evaporate slowly. 
Heating the wine with citrus allows the infusion of goodness from citrus fruits. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Melinda Shears HEALTHY DELICIOUSNESS "THE GOOD FOOD LIFESTYLE": Deliciously Healthy Honey-n-Lemon recipe

Melinda Shears HEALTHY DELICIOUSNESS "THE GOOD FOOD LIFESTYLE": Deliciously Healthy Honey-n-Lemon recipe: Honey-n-Lemon Marmalade The Good Vitamin-C 3-fresh lemons 1-jar 8-ounces honey slice lemons thinly with peeling place in glas...

Deliciously Healthy Honey-n-Lemon recipe

Honey-n-Lemon Marmalade
The Good Vitamin-C

3-fresh lemons
1-jar 8-ounces honey

slice lemons thinly with peeling
place in glass jar
pour honey over lemons
cover. keep in cool pantry for 2-months.

Honey-n-lemon in tea, lemonade, slice toast, etc;